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1 Year Publishing Anniversary!


I can’t even believe that I’ve been published for an entire year already. In some ways it feels like it’s been 10 years and in others it feels like it’s only been 10 minutes. In my 1st year of publishing, I’ve published 5 books!!! Can you believe that? Crazy. So to commemorate my anniversary, I’m throwing a party and you’re all invited to the fun.

Enter the contest below in any of the ways you want and you’ll be automatically entered to win this great prize pack of awesomeness!

I have a little something to represent each of the 5 books I’ve had published this year. Plus an autographed paperback of Love and Lattes AND Love on Landing!! And a little swag too. So what are each of those fantastic prizes you see? Let’s have a closer look!!


My first book release was LOVE AND LATTES so to commemorate that book, I have a Love and Lattes cover imprinted coffee cup! Chase and Julia share a nice moment over a latte in the bookstore cafe and it seems a fitting tribute to them to share a cup of coffee with you, my wonderful readers! I have one too and I use it all the time to drink my coffee! I love it and I hope you will too.

AMAZON                              NOOK

The second book published was BUNNY HILLS AND BIKINIS. It’s set in Lake Tahoe during ski season. Nate and Amelia have an interesting moment on the bunny hill. Let’s just say they heat up the nearby snowbanks! It seemed like a nice cozy hat and scarf. I chose white because it was beautiful and because then it will go with whatever you wear!

AMAZON                              NOOK

My third book was LOVE ON LANDING where we took a trip to Paris with Tali while she tried to escape her life back home. But this time Tali needed more than just a little retail therapy… this time a pilot was the only thing to cure her broken heart. Good thing Gavin was there to fly her to Paris, be her shoulder to cry on (or b*tch at) and be the first person to know the real Tali. I thought a couple of funny luggage tags were just the thing to represent this book. And I think they’ll looks super cute on your bags the next time you travel!

AMAZON                                NOOK

My fourth book published was FALLING FOR YOU. This was the first book I ever wrote and the story that made me start my writing career. I love this book and my characters Cassidy and Evan. Now Cassidy is a little on the clumsy side and often times Evan is there to help pick her up. In honor of Cassidy, I created Cassidy’s Survival Kit. I hand picked all of these items because I can imagine a situation where Cassidy would need them. I hope you don’t need them at a pivotal moment in your life, but if you, I hope they come in handy!

AMAZON                                  NOOK

Finally, my last book published this year, which released just days before my anniversary is LOVE OR LUXURY, the 3rd Meadow Ridge Romance. This is Rebecca and Finn’s story of choosing between the life you think you want and following your heart to the life that will make you happiest. In it, Rebecca has to make some pretty tough choices. One of the things that ultimately helps her decide are the memories of her mother. To keep her memory close by, Rebecca wears her mother’s old watch. I found this vintage inspired watch and I thought it represented the watch in the story very well. And every time you wear it, remember her mother’s motto: It’s about time. Taking the time to enjoy every aspect of life. Taking the time to realize what’s most important in your life. And not taking your time here for granted.

AMAZON                          NOOK–Coming soon!

So how do you win all these great prizes?? Enter with the rafflecopter below! It’s just that easy. Each raffle task comes with a different amount of entries. Do as many or as few as you want to!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Contest Closes at midnight Sept 18th.


1. Leave a comment saying hi! (+1 entry)

2. Like me on Facebook. (+1 entry)

3. Tweet: Heather’s 1 yr publishing bash! Great prize pack! Join the fun!! Pl RT. http://heatherthurmeier.com (+2 entries)

4. Follow me on twitter: @hthurmeier (+1 entry)

5. Send me a picture of Chapter 10 of Love or Luxury  on your ereader screen to heatherthurmeier@gmail.com (+10 entries)

6. Send me a picture of Chapter 10 of Falling for You  on your ereader screen to heatherthurmeier@gmail.com (+10 entries)

7. If you’ve read one or more of my books, leave a review(s) where you purchased the books and send me the link. Reviews must be legitimate. You must have actually read my book. Please be honest. (+5 entries)

8. Tweet: “@hthurmeier’s voice is distinctively witty, lough-out-loud funny, and sexy.” amzn.to/PCyqGg   (+1 entry)

9. Tweet: “@hthurmeier writes sweet, funny romances that capture your heart!” — Jennifer Probst http://amzn.to/PCyqGg  (+2 entries)

**No substitutions of any kind will be made for any of the prizes. Prizes can not be returned or refunded under any circumstances. Prizes can not be redeemed for cash value. Heather Thurmeier assumes no responsibility for prizes or their proper use once they have been shipped to winner and can not be held accountable for any misuse. Prize winner assumes all responsibility for prizes once they have been shipped.

One winner will be randomly selected as the winner and notified within 1 business day. If the winner does not claim prize pack within 2 business days, a new winner will be chosen.


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